Cosmic Emilia

Branding, art direction, product development and content creation for a brand inspired by my daughters.
Cosmic Emilia a visit and check out my illustration and animation work here.

Hi! I’m Aniella­–the mom, artist, and creator behind Cosmic Emilia. The moment my first daughter was born I have felt a need to encounter her in the world without a mask, carrying the tools of creativity, patience, and care. So I started to sketch again, with the resolve of someone who knows she’s doing something essential.

By the time my second girl came along I was determined to make it all happen: to bring my drawings to life in a way that was beautiful, meaningful, and ethical and create artful toys for little and big dreamers alike.

My hope is to help you connect with your littles by sharing what has served me and my family in our path to foster confidence and joy through the act of play.


Adriana Loayza

